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Podere Erica is a biodynamic garden, hidden among woods and steep hills in the most authentic part of Chianti, comprising about 12 hectares of wild woodland, orchards, olive groves and pristine vineyards. Born in 2005 from the love of Jan Dempsey, originally from San Francisco, for Tuscany and its wines, Podere Erica is perhaps best summarised in her words: “We are committed to producing great-tasting, balanced natural wines in a way that respects our terroir and preserves and replenishes our land.  We take seriously our role as custodians of our extraordinary property in the heart of Chianti. Not only to uphold the long traditions of wine production, but also to care for the land in a way that benefits the environment and future generations”. Under the care of young but exceptionally gifted vigneron Marco Giordano these wines have become a beacon for real, vibrant and utterly memorable territorial natural wines in Chianti.

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