Domaine Labet - La Reine Chardonnay - 2017
Name: La Reine - Chardonnay AOP
Winery: Domaine Labet
Producer: Julien Labet
Area: Rotalier - Jura - France
Grapes: Chardonnay
Type: White wine
Alcohol: 13,8%
Size: 75 cl
Notes: No sulfite added
The Wine
The Producer
On the label:
Suite au gel de printemps 2017 (5hl/ha) assemblé les lieux-dits les i proches de la Reine Le Clos, L'Ados, Arteau et La Reine, argile rouge décalcifiée sur socle calcaire Bathonien, élevage 22 mois en fûts 228L - mise 17-07-19 pH 3,19 - SO2 libre <6 mg/L, total 8 mg/L. Vinification sans intrant
Following the 2017 spring frost (5hl/ha), the localities near La Reine Le Clos, L'Ados, Arteau and La Reine were assembled, red clay decalcified on Bathonian limestone base, maturing 22 months in 228L barrels - bottled 07-17-19 pH 3.19 - Free SO2 <6 mg/L, total 8 mg/L.